SB961- California’s Nanny State – UPDATE – VETO BY NEWSOM

two white and red tesla charging station
Photo by Chad Russell on Electric Vehicles

Big Brother is at it again in California. Now, the state thinks it needs to use GPS to nag people who are driving 10 mph over the speed limit. In addition, they want speed controls installed to slow the vehicles down. By 2032, all new vehicles are supposed to have this technology to be sold in California (a speed governor). They say emergency vehicles will be exempt.

Already, vehicles are equipped with cellular connections. They have been since the era of 3G. If they don’t, they use your cell phone’s connection. Insurance companies are already getting information about your driving habits provided by the vehicle manufacturers, unbeknownst to most people. It is a privacy violation, but the information is being sold to insurance companies without your knowledge. The era of privacy is at an end. Now the nanny government has passed SB361 to invade more on your privacy.

I can see a benefit in controlling people’s driving habits. If you are a criminal running from the law, I am okay with shutting down your vehicle. This is a situation, however, where the behavior of the minority overrules the behavior of the majority. Already, cell phones track everywhere you go, even if they are turned off. The only way you have any privacy is to travel without one. GPS functions installed in vehicles already track your speed, braking, and steering habits, as well as where you go. All these are invasions of your privacy being approved by nanny governments like California.

The only way to have privacy anymore is not to travel with a cellphone and drive a vehicle manufactured before 2000. I was thinking I should have never sold my 1972 Ford Torino. I could do anything I wanted and go where I pleased without an invasion of privacy if my cell phone was left at home. It was also EMP-proof, so it would still work if someone exploded one in our atmosphere and shut down the power grid. I could still run my car; however, fuel would probably end up being a problem (I guess I’d be siphoning a lot out of non-running cars).

Nanny California wants me to drive an electric vehicle that they can track, control the speed of, and know my location. California wants this so they can turn off the power grid and stop the population from going places if they want to take full control. Just think of what they could have done during Covid. I wouldn’t be surprised if they code people’s identification into the electric vehicles to stop them from being charged if they want to. When socialism takes control, your freedom is gone. These are the other reasons that California is trying to force all homes to be fully electric. If you don’t comply, we just turn off the power. If we don’t want you to drive, we disable your vehicle and shut off the charging stations.

I wonder when the state will outlaw me buying parts for the vehicles I already have? California has gone too far in its outrageous behavior on vehicles, forcing electric vehicles down everyone’s throats, and now trying to take control of how you drive. It probably isn’t long before the privilege of driving will be taken away and the state will mandate autonomous vehicles only. I guess they will be trying to regulate bicycles and skateboards next.

I am glad my wife owns horses. I suppose this will be the only mode of transportation California can’t regulate, but they will probably charge us an emission tax if the horse farts.

This is California’s spin on the bill that was signed.

SB 961, recently passed by the California Senate, addresses the installation of speed governors in new vehicles. Here are the key points:

  1. Purpose of SB 961:
  • The bill, sponsored by Senator Scott Wiener, aims to enhance road safety by requiring passive speed governors in all new cars manufactured or sold in California.
  • These speed governors would alert drivers with audible and visual signals when they exceed the speed limit by more than 10 miles per hour¹.
  1. How Speed Governors Work:
  • Unlike physical limiters that directly restrict a vehicle’s speed, the proposed intelligent speed assistance system in SB 961 uses brief, one-time visual and audio signals to alert drivers.
  • The system compares the GPS location of the vehicle with the posted speed limit and notifies the driver if they exceed it by more than 10 mph.
  • Emergency vehicles are exempt from these speed governors⁴.
  1. Timeline and Goals:
  • By 2032, every passenger vehicle, truck, and bus manufactured or sold in California must have a speed governor.
  • The bill sets a goal for half of the vehicles to be equipped by 2029¹.
  1. National Context:
  • The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has recommended similar requirements nationwide.
  • The European Union (EU) is already implementing Intelligent Speed Assistance systems, which allow drivers to override the system while ensuring safety⁴.
  1. Safety Rationale:
  • California has witnessed a concerning rise in traffic deaths, with thousands of fatalities each year.
  • Dangerous speeding contributes significantly to these fatalities, and SB 961 aims to address this issue by promoting safer driving behavior¹.

Remember, these measures are designed to save lives and improve road safety. 🚗🛣️¹⁴

UPDATE: 9.28.2024


“While I appreciate the intent to improve to improve traffic safety, this bill presents several challenges,” Newsom said in a statement about rejecting the bill. “Federal law, as implemented by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), already regulates vehicle safety standards, and adding California-specific requirements would create a patchwork of regulations that undermines this longstanding federal framework.”

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/1/2024
(1) California Senate passes bill to add ‘speed governors’ to all new cars.
(2) New California Law Would Mandate Speeding Alerts in Every Vehicle.
(3) Proposed California bill aims to electronically restrict cars from ….
(4) California Considers Mandatory Speed Limiters for All New Vehicles ….
(5) California Bill Would Require New Cars To Have This Annoying Feature.
(6) California Senate passes bill to add ‘speed governors’ to all new cars.
(7) California Considers Speed Limit Alerts for All New Cars.
(8) California Speed Limit Laws – California Car Laws.
(9) § 22350 VC – California’s “Basic Speed Law” Explained.

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