The First Presidential Debate 2024

Presidential Debate
Photo by Brett Sayles on Trump Biden Faceoff - Debate 1 2024

Like everyone else who pays attention to what is happening in America and watches news clips and speeches, this presidential debate was not a surprise to me. Without delving into a detailed blow-by-blow of the comments on stage, it was clear that Joe Biden is unqualified to lead our country. I already know Kamala Harris isn’t qualified either.

There were lots of lies told during the debate on both sides, and I wish I could have gotten answers to some really good questions, like those on Social Security, childcare credits, and taxes, but that did not happen. President Biden was weak, mumbled, had a raspy voice, and could not stay on topic. He had many “senior moments.” Trump, on the other hand, was a solid performer, did not get ensnared in many of the traps, and was clearly coherent throughout the debate.

What I couldn’t stand were the lies both of them told, but let’s face it, politicians lie.

Here is the real question I had to ask myself: Do you want Biden carrying the nuclear football? The answer is a clear NO. His mental capacity, as displayed tonight, is weak and unfocused. I can’t see him being the President of America, especially after tonight’s debate.

Do you want Biden carrying the nuclear football?


How could anyone choose Joe Biden for another four years? Kamala Harris? Gavin Newsom? The Democrats have a big problem. If they somehow pull off a victory and Biden gets another four years, we are doomed. Trump isn’t the best choice, but he is the only choice we have right now. It is sad that it has come down to this. I wonder how the history books will portray these events?

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