Socialist California is Broke – So What’s on the Ballot?

Voting Time is Here
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Election time is just around the corner, and broke California wants more money and more control over your lives. Let’s take a look at what’s on the ballot.

Prop 2 – Another $10 billion for schools. They receive funding every year and still can’t manage it. Decades ago, the lottery was supposed to fund education. Now, here’s yet another money grab from a state that isn’t fiscally responsible. Just look at the debt. VOTE NO

Prop 3 – California wants to remove all rules for marriage, opening the door to child marriages, incest, and polygamy. Same-sex marriage is already legal here, so why the changes? I have no idea how this made it onto the ballot. VOTE NO

Prop 4 – Another $10 billion for safe drinking water and wildfire prevention. This is just another climate change hoax and a money grab. California receives billions each year for clean water and fire prevention, but the funds are mismanaged, and now they want more—$400 million a year for the next 40 years. California is not fiscally responsible. VOTE NO

Prop 5 – Bonds for local infrastructure and housing. Newsom has already spent billions on homelessness, and this does nothing except subsidize housing, which will ultimately lead to more taxes to support the homeless and infrastructure. We don’t need the state to build housing; local businesses can handle this more efficiently. It would cost the state billions more than private industry to build the same housing. Another scam. VOTE NO

Prop 6 – This measure removes the provision that allows jails and prisons to impose involuntary servitude (forced labor) to punish crime. There should be no free ride. If you’re a criminal, you need to work to pay for the cost of your housing and food. You did the crime, so you do the time—and work while you’re there. Jail is not supposed to be a funhouse with exercise rooms, TV, internet, and video games. It’s punishment. VOTE NO

Prop 32 – Another forced attempt to increase the minimum wage, which is already $16 an hour, and $20 an hour in the fast food industry. Raising labor costs increases prices and fuels inflation. Raising wages doesn’t mean you can buy more; it just drives up prices. The current law caps wages at $17 per hour (in 2026), with increases tied to inflation. If we want to stop inflation, VOTE NO.

Prop 33 – Rent control, expanding government power over what property owners can charge for rent. The government should not dictate to property owners what they can charge. Property insurance has increased by over 52%, and these costs must be passed on to renters. If you charge too much, your property stays vacant. Rent should reflect what the market can afford, not government mandates. When I owned property in Idaho, rent control there forced me to charge less than my mortgage payment, ultimately leading me to sell the property. Property owners should decide what they think is a fair rental value for their own assets—not the government. VOTE NO

Prop 34 – Government restrictions on how health care providers spend prescription drug revenue. Again, this is the nanny state at work. The government has no business telling health care providers how to manage their money. Market conditions should dictate costs, not government interference. This is socialism at play. VOTE NO

Prop 35 – Provides permanent funding for Medi-Cal. Medi-Cal is being abused by the state to fund health care for people who have crossed into our country illegally. The fund is going broke because it was never designed for this purpose. Let the current tax to fund Medi-Cal expire in 2027. This will force the state to manage its expenses. Medi-Cal shouldn’t get another dime until they stop giving services away at taxpayer expense to non-citizens. This fund was designed to help low-income citizens manage their health care costs, not to support illegal immigration. VOTE NO

Prop 36 – Allows felony charges and increased sentences for certain drug and theft crimes. Newsom and his political allies have tried to keep this off the ballot. This proposition would impose prison time for repeat shoplifters and drug offenders and would finally hold shoplifters accountable. Currently, shoplifters aren’t even charged if they steal less than $995. This measure would eliminate this irresponsible law and make shoplifting a criminal offense with jail time. Businesses are leaving the state due to rampant shoplifting, and prices are skyrocketing to cover losses. VOTE YES

Out of all the items on the ballot this November, Prop 36 is the only one that makes sense. But it doesn’t matter what I think—every time there’s a bond on the ballot, Californians approve it because they don’t understand what a bond is. Since the word “tax” isn’t used, they think the money magically gets repaid. It doesn’t. Anyone who owns property knows what a bond is because they see it on their property tax statement.

California excels at giving away free things and coming up with schemes to get more money. They fool voters every November. Will this year be a repeat of the many others? I hold on to hope that Californians will wise up to the spending scams and the socialistic regulations. The war against free enterprise and capitalism reappears every few years on the ballot.

1 Response

  1. Mike says:

    The hackers were not happy with this article as they attempt to break our security and try to figure out who I am because I pushed back at their narrative. Owning a website and controlling the narrative is important. Social Media continues to upend first amendment rights. Of course, Google and other liberal search engines index my website to the bottom of the search results. Some do not but if people think there isn’t censorship on search engines or social media think again. As my opinion stands on these ballot issues they will stay posted until after the election results are in with an edit showing how the people voted on each proposition.

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