A Critical Take on the V.P. Debate and American Leadership

The VP Debate
Discussion of America's Issues

Like many Americans, I watched the V.P. debate to get to know the candidates. What I saw amazed me. Both Vance and Waltz are better than their counterparts, Trump and Harris. Vance was on top of everything and provided an excellent understanding of where the Republican administration is coming from. Waltz had some good points, but it was clear that he wasn’t telling the truth on many of them. After all, he has to defend Harris and Biden’s appalling record. In my opinion, J.D. Vance should be president after seeing the top four candidates in the running.

Clearly, the Democratic leadership is broken. The response to Iran attacking Israel and the mishandling of the hurricane disaster in North Carolina was a defining moment for most Americans. We witnessed first-hand how this administration handles emergencies and wars. They could have placed an injunction against the dock strikes, which would cripple America, but they did nothing. We are fortunate that the workers and the Union agreed to hold off on strikes until January 15th. Harris and Waltz are unprepared to lead the country and unable to understand the requirements of the jobs. Waltz lied about his actions in Minnesota and his involvement with the CCP during the Democratic demonstrations, and Harris has no practical experience despite serving as Vice President for 3 ½ years. We also saw this during V.P. Harris’s photo-op trips to the border and North Carolina. These were not real solutions to the serious problems America is facing. Mayorkas says the FEMA budget is broke, yet we can give billions of dollars to Ukraine and illegal immigrants while letting our own citizens suffer in disasters. I’ve seen FEMA’s response to the Caldor Fire here in California. A whole community (Grizzly Flats) was completely burned to the ground, and although Biden promised help, it has never come. Many lost everything and had to walk away.

No matter the spin on television, the debate made things clear for me, as it likely did for most Americans. The stark contrast between leadership and policies was stunning. Harris and Waltz don’t have a plan for anything—just a bunch of promises. If these things were possible, wouldn’t there be policies in place already? Harris and Biden have had 3 ½ years to act. Well, they have. Inflation is through the roof, the nation is involved in wars on multiple fronts, and we have over $5 trillion more in debt. And that’s just scratching the surface.

The DOJ unsealing Trump’s documents for his upcoming trial this week was clearly election interference. This was done because Vance did so well in the debates that the corrupt justice system was told to take action to hurt Trump’s advances in the election. Americans have grown wise to these tactics, and for most of us, we probably didn’t even read the documents. What’s the point anyway? We are 30 days from the election, and there won’t be a trial before then. This was just another ploy from the Democrats’ playbook. Watching these things unfold reminds me of third-world countries and how they deal with political opponents. It isn’t going to work. For those who haven’t made up their minds, this document release might sway them. Remember, in America, you are innocent until proven guilty.

Most Americans see what’s happening with the liberal media, interference by social media, and fake news polls. The odds are stacked against Trump from every angle. They claim America has fair, unfettered elections. I used to believe that, but I don’t anymore. I believe our elections are inaccurate and more corrupt than Venezuela’s when it comes to voting. After all, states like California allow you to vote without an ID. The media is faking polls and statistics, so when they rig the election, they can claim polling indicated Trump was going to lose. This is just part of building the cover-up that is to come. If Americans truly believe we will have a fair election in November, I have some beachfront property to sell you in the Sierras.

Trump not admitting he lost the election in 2020 is wrong. Unfortunately, the system isn’t working the way it’s supposed to. Congress needs to enact laws requiring voter IDs and remove voting machines. The Republicans should have worked on this over the last four years, but here we are again with another potentially flawed election cycle. They probably couldn’t have gotten a bill passed in the Senate because Harris was always the tie-breaking vote, and Biden would have vetoed it anyway.

Since I no longer believe in fair elections in the United States, I figure Harris is the winner by corruption, and Trump loses because of it. We’ll all know very soon. It would take an overwhelming majority of people to vote for Trump. The fake news is saying he’s losing by 66 electoral votes right now. I remember all of this from the 2016 election when Clinton was projected to win before anyone even started voting. Then the media was in tears when Trump won state after state. Will the media lies and corruption be exposed in this election as they were in 2016? We’ll know in 30 days.

If the Democrats win, we are in for some changes. Those changes will include full involvement in war, higher taxes, out-of-control inflation, weak energy policies, and an overrun border. Kamala won’t keep any of her promises because she’s lying about them. She’s been on the other side of every major issue—the border and fracking, for example. I don’t see any changes from the direction Biden has us heading.

I do have some plans to protect myself and my family. With a small investment, I will be completely independent from the infrastructure. Will I need to do it? Hopefully not. I enjoy the life we have as Americans. We have it better than most of the world. We just need a government for the people and by the people. I hope to see a return of that this November.

1 Response

  1. Mike says:

    Saw the news tonight on Trump visiting Georgia – heading to North Carolina. Fox has some Democrat commentators defending the lack of action by Biden / Harris. Biden did his first press conference of his presidency (almost 4 years) and it was about 5 minutes – and almost no talk about the people that have lost their lives. Trump was clear at the event in Georgia. I am not campaigning – I am here to help the people and that is all. The Democrats tried to pass his visits off because he is a private citizen. I don’t buy that. Musk has sent of starlink for help and has restored communication to the area – more than the Feds did. Cell service is out – land lines are down – so its Radio or nothing until Musk showed up.

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