What Has Happened to America?

statue of liberty new york
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Reflecting on the evolution of America, one can’t help but wonder: what has caused such profound changes since my childhood in the 1950s? From surviving the Cuban Missile Crisis to witnessing various wars, the landscape of America has shifted dramatically.

Once marked by the struggles led by figures like MLK for equal rights, today’s America sees movements advocating for LGBTQIA rights. The concept of law and order seems distant amidst the prevailing chaos. Border security, once stringent, now yields to lawlessness, allowing the influx of drugs, crime, and human trafficking.

The quintessential American dream of owning a home has become increasingly elusive. Similarly, the once sturdy cornerstone of religion faces relentless attacks. Childhood has transitioned from outdoor play to a digital realm dominated by social media and video games, where bullying thrives in new, insidious forms.

In yesteryears, holidays held significance, now diluted by an abundance of special interest days and dedicated months. Traditional gender norms in sports and organizations like the Boy and Girl Scouts have blurred, giving rise to uncertainty.

Streets once free of homelessness and drug markets are now littered with needles and despair. Criminal justice has faltered, with offenders often back on the streets swiftly. Mental health issues lack proper attention, contributing to rising crime rates, especially in schools.

Family dinners, once a staple, have given way to fragmented schedules and digital distractions. Television, once a communal activity, now bombards screens with explicit content.

Schools, meant for education, now grapple with agendas beyond the core curriculum. Meanwhile, small businesses struggle against the tide of corporate chains, losing the personal touch once cherished.

Today’s America grapples with rampant crime, an education system overshadowed by controversial topics, and economic hardships. Cities reel under the weight of societal decay, with safety becoming a luxury.

Mass shootings have become tragically commonplace, and the American dream feels increasingly out of reach. The America of today starkly contrasts the one I knew, resembling more a struggling nation than a beacon of hope.

In this disheartening reality, the question persists: what has truly happened to America?

1 Response

  1. Mike says:

    My original draft of this blog had to be toned down quite a bit. Realizing this is the Internet – a Public Place – I needed to subtract the emotions on how I really feel. Hopefully this blog puts the message across. You will have to fill in-between the lines to understand the true impact of America’s decline.

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