Finding Clarity and Purpose

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The opening ceremony at the Olympics was very unusual this year. It was creative and inspiring. It was nice to see a different culture’s take on things. Overall, it was impressive.

The attack on religion was present with drag queens doing a parody of the Last Supper. This was not surprising to me because the attack on Christians has been ongoing for some time now.

I could get angry, but this week, God has taught me a few things. I had a severe infection with COVID-19, which put me in the hospital for the night. This experience made me appreciate the many things I had in life that perhaps were slipping away. After being released, two days later, the COVID-19 hit my heart with AFib. As I struggled again in the emergency room, things came into perspective.

Like many Americans, I have been upset about what is going on here in America and the world. The liberal attacks on our way of life across the board have been hard to take. The inflation, wars, LGBTQIA movements, attacks on our college campuses, illegal entry into our country, murders, and attacks on our religious institutions have been upsetting.

Sometimes, you think you can do something about all of this and that it all matters. I suppose it does in some ways, but all I could think about when I was lying in my hospital bed was if I was going to get back home to see my animals and loved ones. I have a couple of granddaughters I have not met, and for that moment, things that were out of focus became clear.

I have realized that the politics of our country and the poor behavior of the left have put our country in great peril and jeopardized the freedom of all of us. I am not wealthy. I am not influential. I have no power except for one vote. My vote may stop the decline of our country, or it won’t. But reflecting back on the things that are important to me, I realize that God and family are the most important things in life, and the moments I have here on Earth must reflect on others in a positive light.

I have dedicated my life to working hard and helping people. I have made a difference in many lives as I have aged. Many have achieved things for their families that they would have never done if it weren’t for my guidance in their lives. I guided their financial security, not their spiritual lives, but I believe my gift made a better life for them and their families.

It is time that I move away from working hard. I have spent my whole life working and giving. My transition at my job will move away from working hard and giving knowledge to those that need it to be successful. My energy now needs to be spent on the little time I have left with those I love.

My prognosis from the hospital isn’t a death sentence. COVID-19 has accelerated my death, and my heart has been damaged, but I am still here because God has a mission for me, as He always does.

For those who get angry and upset about what is happening around them, I can only pass on this advice: Life is short, and you get what you make of it. Worry about those things that you control and pass the torch to others on things you can’t. What is happening in America is devastating, but I can’t control or influence it. God will take care of those things.

In the time I have left, it could be weeks, months, or years, I am going to focus more on the things that matter. This last week has opened my eyes to how precious life is and how much we all take it for granted. God can call on any of us today, or He can choose to awaken us by teaching us a lesson. I have always had the gift of health and took my life for granted, but this week, I have realized that there is so little time to do so much before it is my time to leave. God Bless.

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