Law and Order: A Solution to America’s Challenges

police standing on gray asphalt during nighttime
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In the midst of the turmoil plaguing America today, the call for law and order seems like a straightforward remedy. Whether it’s protests erupting in Ivy League schools or crime rampant on the streets, the solution seems clear: arrest, detain, charge, prosecute, and jail those who break the law to break the cycle of chaos.

Columbia University stands as a glaring example where governmental authorities faltered in their duty. The failure to swiftly address hateful demonstrations and the school’s takeover was evident. Initially, those arrested were merely taken to the police station and released without charges, a baffling response. Subsequently, amidst property damage and janitors being held hostage during a second cleanup, media silence prevailed regarding the fate of these troublemakers. Were they, once again, let off without consequences?

Despite my reservations about social media’s negative impact, in this instance, it serves a purpose. Images of violent protesters and criminals flood these platforms, sealing their fate. Their actions have now stained their lives irreparably. With criminal records looming over them, job prospects dwindle to nothing. And even if charges are filed (though I doubt it), the shadow of their crimes will trail them for life.

The shame is palpable as these offenders hide behind headscarves and masks, a testament to their disgraceful behavior. Moreover, it’s worth noting that many of these agitators on campuses were not even legal residents, let alone students. This dire situation underscores the ramifications of Joe Biden’s lax border policies, which facilitate the influx of illegal immigrants and criminals into our nation.

I’ll spare you the details of the disgraceful display witnessed in Congress this week; suffice it to say, it was appalling.

However, amidst the chaos, a beacon of hope emerged in South Carolina. Students rallied to protect the American Flag, demonstrating that not all colleges and universities are breeding grounds for hate-fueled criminal behavior. It’s noteworthy that women were also active participants in these riots and demonstrations, dispelling the stereotype that such actions are solely perpetrated by men.

Until liberal leadership in America acknowledges the severity of the crime epidemic, our society’s decline will persist. Attorneys and judges must stem the tide of lawlessness with decisive action. Policies like no bail, catch and release, and arrest and ticket have proven ineffective. Perpetrators must face incarceration and serve hard time for their crimes, with full reimbursement for all costs and damages incurred by their actions.

I consider myself fortunate to reside in an area largely shielded from the scourge of criminals, homelessness, drug addiction, and racism. Yet, I watch the news with trepidation as California’s policies chip away at my sanctuary with soaring taxes, homeowner insurance cancellations, exorbitant fuel and grocery prices, and suffocating regulations. America increasingly resembles a third-world nation, and the specter of a nuclear holocaust looms ominously just 72 minutes away.

I mourn for the inhabitants of this Earth who remain oblivious to the impending catastrophe. I’m powerless to shield them from the impending doom. Each day, I gaze heavenward, pondering why humanity’s greed, hate, and anger supersede the appreciation for the beauty bestowed upon us by God. It’s a tragic sight to behold. God bless us all.

2 Responses

  1. dmille265 says:

    Well said my brother Mike. I totally agree with your over all opinion. Such large masses of demonstrators that I think
    they ought to deal with them as the President of El Salvador does with the masses of MS-13 gang members and
    establish an encampment to begin doing so. I think there would be less on campus demonstrations after that.

    • Mike says:

      Most of the Ivy league schools have become a breeding ground for bad actors and educators. While most Americans attending college and universities are not the ones we see protesting it sheds a bad light on them because they are attending these schools. I think parents are really going to think hard in the future which University’s that they will allow their children to attend. I am glad to see those student hero’s in South Carolina stand up for the flag. It was a history making moment and shows that we have great young people in this country which shows promise for our future. Perhaps those protestors that think America is bad should take the scholarships Iran is offering to them. We just need to make sure it is a one way ticket.

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