Lies and Dishonesty in the Political Arena

american flags and pins on white background
Photo by cottonbro studio on 2024 Election USA

As we approach the presidential election in the fall, lies and dishonesty are increasingly pervasive in the media. The blame game begins as presidential candidates pass the buck and blame each other. The media has been full of lies over the past couple of weeks—so many that I wouldn’t even try to list them all. There is also stupidity, like Trump’s comments questioning if Harris is Indian or Black, or Harris blaming Trump for the crashing economy when her administration has been in charge for almost four years. Who really believes this stuff?

It’s all a game to distract from the real issues facing America. Perhaps people will vote for Harris because she is female and has dark skin. To some, those are the only requirements needed to become President. Whether true or not you have to wonder if sex and race play into the election. It may be true or false. You don’t need to understand the economy, the military, or foreign policy. People will vote for Trump because things were a lot cheaper when he was President—food, fuel, and no wars. Both of them are flawed. Trump says stupid things, and so does Harris. There are consequences for lies and dishonesty.

It is August, so by now you should have already decided who you will vote for in the presidential election. There have been almost four years of history behind the current candidate and the one who was in charge for four years. There are track records on both. There is no need to believe the lies and dishonesty that will come from the media between now and November. It is all mudslinging and games. The maturity of the election process reminds me of grammar school: name-calling, lies, pretend facts, and pretend caring about people. It isn’t about any of that. It is about power. I see the news headlines and the “clickbait” headlines. Click here, and we will tell you another lie. The television news is just as bad. There are so many edited videos. You can change the meaning of just about anything with selective video play.

You can’t change the facts. You can manipulate the data all you want, but it is what it is. Inflation is near 30% in four years, 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border, there are wars in Israel and Ukraine, and saber-rattling in China, North Korea, and Iran. We are not energy independent. We have civil unrest at our universities. There are homeless littering the streets, especially in my home state of California. There are countless drug overdoses from fentanyl crossing our border. Crime is skyrocketing in many of our cities, especially those that decided to defund their police. The stock market is up but rocky—over the past couple of days, it has dropped 1,000 points over jobs and unemployment. Interest rates for loans are through the roof. Housing has become unaffordable. Auto insurance is up about 30% over the past few years, and home insurance is unaffordable in California, Florida, and Texas, with more states to join the list. Credit card debt is through the roof, credit card interest rates are the highest they have been in decades, and crime rates against our citizens are way up, especially illegal immigrants attacking our citizens.

Nearly everything I just discussed has happened in the last four years. Regardless of what you think, leadership has everything to do with what happens in this world. You see what happens at your job when a poor leader is put in charge. The same happens with your country.

We have two choices for President. Both are complete opposites, but both lie to you. One has a decent record on the economy, world affairs, and border security. The other has done nothing for us. It isn’t the Presidency that is of concern, as the media would tell you. It is the Senate, House, and Courts that are the important things in this upcoming election. Of course, Presidents have veto power, so they can stop everything, and they have executive orders, so they can bypass all of the laws, but the courts can suspend/stop the stupidity, and Congress and the Senate can legislate real changes if a majority of a party takes both of them. Congress can do nothing if the Senate is of a different party. Everything stops.

I have already decided who I will vote for in this upcoming election. My vote for President, Congress, and the Senate has already been decided. I have reviewed the changes in the state of California and I already know which items on the ballot I must vote for or against.

The lies and dishonesty always hit a new high four months before an election. Do yourself a favor. Don’t be attracted to clickbait on the Internet, use the mute button for political commercials and biased news editorials. Don’t listen to any media pundits. Don’t look at political polls. All information can be manipulated. Remember that looking at the past four years will predict the future four years if the same people are selected. America needs a change, and the President isn’t the only vote you should be looking at. If your mind isn’t already made up for the November election, then you will be trying to sift through the lies and dishonesty to make a choice. As for me, Netflix, Prime Video, Paramount, Showtime, and other streaming services will be my entertainment. I guess I will know what the next four years are going to be like when I turn the news on again after the November elections. It will either be a relief or unbelievable stress, but I will be prepared to make a decision if the outcome is four more years of what I have just been through. If America does not wake up, the years between 2025 and 2029 will be hell for all of us, and there is no going back for another four years if you make the wrong choice.

3 Responses

  1. Mike says:

    20 days without a presser for Harris. Instead of lying Harris is just not saying anything. Could it be there is no defense for the last 4 years? Is she waiting for Vance or Trump to slip up so she can pounce on the mistake? The media is starting to heat up on the left. Is the excitement just wearing off for them? Is the days for Queen Harris diminishing into reality? What will Biden and Harris when the war breaks out between Iran and Israel? Will they both hide in the basement together?

  2. Mike says:

    Watching the news – NBC, CBS, ABC – all biased for Kamala Harris. They don’t interview her, they give her a complete pass and then broadcast fake news on topics about Donald Trump. It is interesting to watch. Right now, Fair and Balanced? Fox is telling both sides – PBS is playing middle ground – CNN- MSNBC – way to the extreme left. The only way to find the truth is seek out sound bites of what Harris and Trump are saying and then research for yourself.

  3. Mike says:

    Harris is flip flopping on many issues to pander to the voters. Against the border wall now for it? For inflationary policies, now against it? For keeping lower taxes, now raising them? Which is it Harris?

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