Our Education System is Broken

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com. School

If I had children who were getting ready to attend school, I would not send them to a public school. Due to the out-of-control wokeness, I would not want my children exposed to teachers who are forcing their LGBTQIA agenda on them.

School is about education, and teachers are crossing the line all over the world.

Today, California banned schools from notifying parents about gender issues. See this article. When the government thinks that they know better than parents, that is where the problems begin. Sex and gender issues are the responsibility of the parents, not the schools.

California may think they have the right to ban schools from notifying parents of gender pronoun changes, but that won’t happen if your child is homeschooled or placed in a Catholic or Christian school where such topics aren’t on the education agenda.

I have two granddaughters who were born eight months ago. I hope my daughter has no intention of sending them to a public school, although this is completely out of my hands. The good thing is that she does not live in woke California, so maybe things will turn out okay.

Schools should be banned from teaching anything but English, foreign language, math, reading, writing, history, civics, and the arts. Sex education should be banned from schools as that is the responsibility of the parents, not educators.

I am sickened by California’s liberal policies when it comes to LGBTQIA issues, which affect a small portion of the population. There are only two sexes in humans, male and female, and you are born one or the other. While I don’t have issues with people who want to identify differently than their birth sex, it crosses the line when educators push their agenda on children attending schools, and it should be banned outright. If a child is having gender identity issues and the school is aware of it they must report this behavior. Government has no role in schools, teachers have no role in sex education This is the job of parents.

The legislators in California have crossed the line again, and I hope it costs them when it is time for reelection. In the meantime, I guess it is time to gather signatures to place this issue on the ballot so the woke government in California is again usurped by the voters.

1 Response

  1. Mike says:

    I may not have said this in the article so I will say it. I like all people – and I really don’t care how they identify. Whatever – it’s your life – do what you want. When you cross the line and affect a Childs life – that is something completely different. The Childs parents are responsible for teaching them right from wrong – sexuality etc. It is also their responsibility to explain sex. Teachers, schools and government have no right interfering with how a child is raised. Teachers are responsible of educating them in life skills – English, math, reading, writing, history, civics, arts, physical education, sports etc…. Sex – and LBGTQIA are off the table and are not to be discussed at school. There is enough of this on television and at the movies – and parents need to explain and educate their children in this area. Take the time to read – there are many children that made changes to their bodies that they regret and are non reversible because of a teacher or school forcing their agenda on them. The Childs needs must be put first. Shame on any school, teacher or government that is involved in this scheme of twisting children’s minds at such a young age.

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