The Media Lies, Fake Polls, Pundits, and Politics

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Trump Assassination Attempt #2

On August 2nd, I wrote a blog about the media’s lies and skewed polls, and since then, it has only worsened. The latest attempt on the 45th President’s life in Florida was met with 95% negative coverage from the liberal press, blaming him for the attempt. The spin? It’s Trump’s fault. I guess calling Trump a “threat to democracy” isn’t a problem? The Democrats don’t seem to think so. Harris and Biden call Trump to express concern about the violence, then turn around and call him a threat to democracy. Is it any wonder why some extremists are trying to harm him?

Even the White House press secretary, when pressed by Fox News, echoed that Trump is a threat. Clearly, it’s Biden, Harris, and others with their continued rhetoric that Trump threatens democracy, fueling these attempts. When mainstream media spends most of its time making excuses for why people want to harm Trump, you know we have a problem.


When it comes to polling, some liberal sites have Harris ahead by 2%. But when conservative and liberal media outlets ask the public, most people say they are worse off than when Trump was president. They either abstain from revealing their vote or outright say they support Trump. A liberal reporter in Nevada last week could only find three Harris supporters among the people she interviewed in various restaurants.

In America, the president is decided by the Electoral College, not the popular vote. You can poll states like New York, Massachusetts, and California, and the results will always favor Harris. These are liberal strongholds, and the polls are close—Trump at 48% and Harris at 50%. That should tell you something. Notice they never poll states like Idaho, Utah, or the Dakotas, where Trump would have a huge lead. In Texas and Florida, they cherry-pick liberal cities to skew the results.

The bottom line is polls are only as good as the sample they question, and the popular vote doesn’t determine the presidency. The mainstream media is pushing fake news, both in print and on-air, and no one holds them accountable. Some outlets, like FOX, do question what’s happening, but even they have their agenda. The lines between truth and lies are blurred.

The Rich and Blameless

In a bid to grab headlines, some think Howard Stern’s opinions matter. He recently said he hates anyone who votes for Trump. Really? Stern has been irrelevant for almost a decade. No one cares what he says, yet he still parades around in a COVID mask.

Does anyone care if Taylor Swift endorses Harris? Swift is so detached from the middle class and people with low income that she has no idea what’s happening in the real world. With catered meals at every concert, private jets, and multiple mansions with staff, she’s completely out of touch. She’s a billionaire, just like Musk, Gates, Bezos, and Cuban. Bill Maher recently said the election is over because Swift supports Harris. Maher is a comedian, and his opinion doesn’t put food on my table or pay my bills. These wealthy individuals telling us who is better off only differ from me in the size of their bank accounts. My opinion doesn’t matter to them, and theirs doesn’t matter to me.

The Media Lies

The mainstream media continues to lie. When caught or called out on social media, they just change the headline or print a retraction, but the damage is already done. ABC doesn’t fact-check Harris, only Trump. I was shocked when Harris claimed there were no military members in combat roles. I almost fell out of my chair, and the media didn’t challenge her (except Fox News). It’s now all over the news because members of our Armed Forces stood up against the MSM’s lies. Harris has flip-flopped on so many issues, but the MSM lets it slide. What has she done for America as Vice President? I’m still looking for an answer.

The MSM lets Harris get away with everything. She has no plan. I saw an ad about how she was going to fix food prices, the economy, and housing. Big ideas, with no details on how to pay for them. Nobody questions her. She’s going to build a certain number of houses—how? She’s going to lower food prices—how? She’s going to promote green energy—how?

Fox Business is starting to review Harris’s policies, and it doesn’t look great for the economy, jobs, or GDP. It seems 800,000 jobs could disappear, with a 0.5% hit to GDP as just the beginning. And we haven’t even touched on tax increases yet.

Trump’s Exaggerations

I haven’t spoken much about Trump, but he does need to stop exaggerating. People eating dogs and cats? Really? He inflates every number, and the right doesn’t call him out on it. But he does have what it takes to fix America. Someone summed it up well: “My house is on fire, and my neighbor is a firefighter. I don’t like him or what he says, but he still comes across the street to save my family and put out the fire.” That’s Trump—he’s a nasty, name-calling old man who lies often, but he knows how to fix things. You don’t have to like him, but he can get the job done.

The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.

-Malcom X

Note: I don’t believe in much of what Malcom X did in his life or what he believed in, however this quote from him does seem to fit in with current events.


November isn’t far away, so we’ll see how much influence the mainstream media has on American voters. But I doubt voters will be “gamed” by the Democrats this time around. If the average American can’t see through the smoke and mirrors, we’re in serious trouble. If Harris wins the election, you’ll see just how far this country has declined.

2 Responses

  1. Mike says:

    Read this article about immigration. We have been lied to so much with the government controlled media.

  2. Mike says:

    Jennifer Lawrence is the latest of Harris supporters. Here is her latest quote about abortion… These laws are made by random [W]hite men, and they’re not made by healthcare providers. So, Jennifer, random white men make the rules? These kind of comments will affect your career as I am a white man and I don’t feel I should donate to your wealth when you have so much hate towards white men. Maybe your comment is out of context – maybe it isn’t. Lawrence is a typical Hollywood unknowing actor. She has no idea how laws or made, what the courts are for and that abortion rights belong to the state, not the Federal Government. Wake up, the Supreme Court has spoken. Abortion rights are now in the hands of the state and it’s the decision of the voters, not Harris. Harris does not have the power to change the abortion laws. The executive branch does not create laws, and an executive order would be unconstitutional. So wake up. The real issues at this election is that our borders are overrun by illegals, people are starving and can’t pay their bills, and wars and terrorist attacks are at our doorstep. The Hollywood elite will be the first to pay the price.

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