The Who’s Voting for Who Game: Why It Doesn’t Matter

Electoral College
The real decider in Elections.

The media is at it again, playing the “Who’s Voting for Who” game. Anytime a Democrat endorses Trump or a Republican backs Harris, it suddenly becomes big news. The same goes for endorsements from unions, businesses, and police agencies.

Honestly, it’s quite amusing. Who cares how someone else votes? A police union endorsement doesn’t mean all its members will vote for Trump or Harris. And if Dick Cheney wants to vote for Harris, so what?

The bottom line is, none of this matters. Nobody is going to sway my vote just because they publicly support a candidate. I don’t care if a lifelong politician switches parties or if a rock star throws their weight behind one candidate or the other.

Most of the publicized endorsements come from rich millionaires or politicians—people completely disconnected from the real world. These folks aren’t struggling to pay bills, working two jobs, or juggling employment with Social Security just to survive. They can drop $1,000 on a dinner or spend hundreds of thousands on a political event, and it doesn’t faze them.

When the news media tells you who’s voting for whom, you should push back and ask: why is this news? It isn’t. It doesn’t take a genius to know that California will vote Democrat and give all its electoral votes to Biden, just as Idaho will likely give all of its electoral votes to Trump. In the end, the election will come down to swing states and their electoral votes.

It doesn’t matter who endorses whom because the popular vote doesn’t decide who becomes President. We use the Electoral College, ensuring that all voices across the country are heard. When the media publicizes these endorsements, it only makes me form an opinion of the individual, not the candidate they support.

Politics today is a game, and if our Founding Fathers were alive, they’d be disgusted by the state of our country—with its open borders, men competing in women’s sports, the decline of religion, loss of family values, ongoing wars, and growing poverty.

In America, it’s not about who votes for whom. I thank God for the wisdom of those who created the Electoral College. It gives a voice to those who otherwise wouldn’t have one when choosing our President.

2 Responses

  1. Mike says:

    This is some of the media garbage I am talking about.

    Who cares what Allan Lichtman predicts? Was the article intended to steer republican voters away from the polls?

  2. Mike says:

    Taylor Swift says she supports Harris. Who cares? It will cost her – not that she cares about money. Most musicians and movie stars support Democrats so no surprise for me. It changes nothing.

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