Trump Found Guilty

Donald Trump
Donald Trump - Image Courtesy of Pixabay

When Justice in America is no longer the goal than corruption will prevail.

Mike G

In a political sideshow in New York, Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 counts stemming from the Stormy Daniels hush money payoff. The judge and jurors were all Democrats, and Donald Trump was bound by a gag order and could not speak in his own defense at the trial.

As this is a political soccer match and a clear display of a weaponized justice system, it symbolizes that no conservative or member of the Republican party can get a fair trial in the United States. The justice system, at least in New York, is weaponized.

You hear about these things in other countries like Russia, Iran, China, and Venezuela, but you would never think that our country would add itself to the list.

It is clear that this case will be appealed, and now Donald Trump is free to campaign for president. There are no laws preventing a convicted felon from assuming the presidency. In fact, the results of this political trial may perhaps propel Donald Trump to the presidency. Donald Trump is facing a 136-year prison sentence—four years for each count. I guess this is the only way Biden can win, by putting his political opponents in jail.

I don’t know about most Americans, but I don’t want Joe Biden or Kamala Harris running our country. They have both proven themselves unfit for the job, however, hard-core Democrats seem to want more of the same.

Americans will now have to sit back and watch how this game plays out on the soccer field, watching Democrats kick the ball around the field hoping somehow to score while the Republicans carefully plan on how to win. It is guaranteed that many Americans are disgusted with our justice system and how this trial played out before the American people. While the Democrats are all giggling and high on how they were able to pull off such a feat, the Republicans will be working to bring some sort of respect back to the courts.

One thing is for sure. The weaponized justice system that has been installed by the Democrats has proven that you cannot get a fair trial if you are from the political right. Like Gandhi, Trump is now set to be a political prisoner, and America is disgraced by the actions of a few powerful Democrats who are so enamored with being in control that truth, justice, and the American way are no longer part of this once-great country.

Countries that Prosecuted Opposition Leaders

Former President Donald Trump joins a growing list of world leaders convicted after leaving office, with many critics in the U.S. claiming that such measures hurt the country’s image as a global leader.

Peter Aitken, Fox News and the Associated Press


No case in modern politics of opposition suppression stands as notorious as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ongoing saga to keep his chief political rival Alexei Navalny out of office: Russian courts determined Navalny had violated probationary terms by leaving the country, during which time he suffered an attempt on his life while in Germany.


Trump’s verdict overshadowed news out of Hong Kong that 14 opposition figures had been convicted of “conspiring to subvert state power,” drawing condemnation from watchdog groups such as Amnesty International, who called the decision “unprecedented” and “the most ruthless illustration yet of how Hong Kong’s National Security Law is weaponized to silence dissent.” 


Critics have accused Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi of using the courts to prevent his main political rival Arvind Kejriwal, chief minister of the capital Dehli, from running and campaigning for the upcoming elections.


Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva won re-election in 2022 after leaving prison due to the country’s Supreme Court nullifying his conviction on money laundering and corruption charges, citing serious biases in the case against him. 


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has seen a number of his opponents jailed for various crimes, with opposition leader Nelson Pinero of the center-right Encuentro Ciudadano party recently jailed on charges of incitement to hatred, El País reported


Kem Sokha, the Cambodian opposition leader, was convicted of treason and sentenced to 27 years in jail. He appealed his charges, which Amnesty International condemned as “baseless” and urged the country’s authorities to “end their ongoing crackdown against opposition groups.” 

As you can see Political Corruption has now infected the United States which used to be a pillar of respect around the world now renegaded to a communist or third-world country.

3 Responses

  1. Mike says:

    Don’t believe the fake news on Trump’s polling. This is part of the plan of the Biden administration. The weaker the polling looks the more people will change their vote to Trump. Nobody wants Biden again – the destruction of the country is evident. Trump is the only other choice – and that is unfortunate. It is the lesser of two evils. Do you want Biden – a proven liar or Trump a convicted felon? Biden should be convicted on the classified documents that he illegally kept next to his corvette – and the DOJ is hiding the interview – so you already know what is going on.

  2. Mike says:

    Good Interview from Trump on whether he would take revenge on political judicial system.

  3. Mike says:

    Case Development where Juror leaks information via Facebook to the public about what the jury proceedings were about. As this development moves forward I wonder if the Judge will do his job and disqualify the juror – and have to either dismiss or retry the case. I bet the Judge will ignore due process because he is corrupt, however it makes a better case on an appeal where the Judge will clearly stand out as being corrupt, and the case will be retried anyway.

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