What Isn’t on the News; WorldWide Military Alliances against the United States

War on the Horizon
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com War on the Horizon

If you look at the news, there isn’t much coverage about the stance of the United States military on the global front. However, if you sift through the articles online, you might catch hints of what is unfolding.

This week, Russia visited Cuba with warships and a nuclear submarine. After a week, they pulled out and headed to Venezuela for a visit. Additionally, Russia signed a military defense alliance with North Korea. It’s likely they will soon do the same with Cuba and Venezuela. The news has remained silent on this, and our president, often referred to as “Sleepy Joe,” was again missing in action. If you haven’t figured this out, this is a big deal. Russia is working on establishing bases in the Western Hemisphere and is set to provide North Korea with the technology to complete their nuclear weapons program. Was there a show of force from the U.S.? I seriously doubt it. The Biden Administration appears weak and doesn’t seem to grasp the implications of these developments. JFK certainly understood what it meant to have Russian bases and nukes on Cuban soil.

Now let’s talk about Niger. American troops have been expelled, and Russian troops have taken up residence in Niger. The Biden Administration has completely ignored the importance of the African continent. As a result, Russia has established another base while Biden twiddles his thumbs. In case you didn’t know, the United States had a key surveillance base and drone command center in Agadez, which cost U.S. taxpayers $110 million to set up. Now, it’s all Russia’s, along with the other military base from which we were booted. Are you concerned yet?

Xi Jinping, the leader of China, went to Russia in May and signed agreements pledging a “new era” of partnership between the most powerful rivals against the United States. So, China and Russia are now working together. China plays both sides against each other. The United States is its biggest trading partner, and we provide China with food. Without America’s support, the Chinese would starve; however, working on agreements with other countries could mitigate this. We haven’t even talked about China’s military jets harassing American jets, flying dangerously close, nor have we discussed China’s actions against the Philippines or Taiwan. These actions spell trouble for both those free nations and ours.

If you have been paying attention, you might have heard of Russia ramping up the production of nukes and the threats of using them, or the movement of nukes to Belarus to get them closer to NATO territory. Did you miss this?

Here’s a quick summary: Russia is getting cozy with China, North Korea, Africa, Cuba, Iran, and Venezuela. They are forming alliances with each other. The signs are clear, yet our current administration seems to be ignoring them. During World War II, Germany had Italy and Japan in their pocket (The Axis), and if what is happening now doesn’t sound familiar, then you are lacking in historical knowledge.

It is clear to me that the actions of China (the balloon incident) and the testing of U.S. resolve amid the wars in Israel and Ukraine are indicators of what is to come. The disastrous exit from Afghanistan by the Biden administration shows how weak we have become.

Our open borders have allowed millions of potential terrorists into our country. In case you missed it, how many Chinese nationals have come here? There were 52,000 encounters in 2023 alone.

The only way the United States can put the world in check is through peace achieved by strength, and we have lost that. If anyone is paying attention, it is very clear to me that history repeats itself, and we are headed for another conflict. This time, it appears it may be coming to the United States. It has been a long time since we have had a war on our homeland. It’s something to think about as you vote this November.

5 Responses

  1. Mike says:

    Something else crossed my mind. If politicans are on the payroll, and they work for the citizens of the United States, why is it that they are not doing their jobs when it comes to protecting the American people? Biden’s cabinet is broken, we are trillions in debt, our military is weak, there is no inscription to get our young men and ladies ready to protect our country, and our military force it the weakest it has been in decades. It is big business to protect our country. Why waste 5 Billion dollars in installing 5 electric charging stations (yes we did this) and spend nothing to protect the American people?

  2. dmille265 says:

    Mike, you are very informative. I knew some of what you said but not all of it. You make a very good point on the safety of our country.
    We should be doing something right away, but our politicians seem to be locked up in never ending arguments about nothing. November
    may be to far away and to late. If I were the enemy I would strike now while the nation is weak, in which I am sure they are thinking about. I guess then all the protesters and liberals can live with what they wished for, a devastating blow to the America they hate so much. Then they will live under a whole new evil
    that they created for themselves. Let us hope that we still have time for change.

    • Mike says:

      Don, August is the best month for a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. The seas will be calm and warm so the military experts say this is the best time to strike. Biden won’t know what to do and will commit a weak American military to protect Taiwan at significant losses to our own. North Korea will join in and attack us at the same time with Putin advancing Troops in Ukraine and Iran making advances towards Israel. America cannot fight wars on several fronts – this leaving us weakened to protect our own country. That is the perfect time for a strike against us. You may be right about the timing before the election – and I hope I am wrong on all of it – because it spells doom for America.

  1. September 21, 2024

    […] blog, I discussed these countries collaborating, but my post was censored by the search engines. Here is a link to that article. The media doesn’t want Americans to understand what’s happening. After some effort and a few […]

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