My Insights on the Republican National Convention

RNC 2024

I watched a large portion of the Republican National Convention. It wasn’t what I thought it would be. I had never watched any conventions in the past because I was too busy working full time to pay the bills, but as my work schedule slowed into retirement, I found the time.

The convention was not what the media makes it out to be. If you read the liberal media responses from NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Politico, and the New York Times, you will find pretty much the same responses: Trump is a liar, and Trump is bad and evil.

What nobody talked about were the speeches from Republican Senators, Congressmen, Gold Star Families, business leaders, and others. This is where I really saw a difference in our government. I found that many of the new people recently voted into office were very smart and well-versed. They seemed to know what was going on in the world and what needed to be done in America. The liberal media completely missed that. They didn’t talk about the 13 service members lost in Afghanistan that Biden ignored. They ignored the embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan. They didn’t talk about the world stage with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. They completely ignored that because it would have been an embarrassment for them. They completely ignored talking about the open southern border.

The media, as always, looked for ways to attack Trump, like trying to tie him to the Heritage Foundation 2025, which Trump didn’t speak about. He didn’t talk about that because he already said he didn’t support it. They also tried to compare an assassin’s bullet to Biden’s COVID. Those are not even comparable. As I am writing this blog, I have COVID, and I am still a functioning adult, whereas Biden had to run home and hide. Trump still got up in front of thousands of people and spoke after just five days of almost losing his life. I think that was very courageous, but the media ignored that.

The media ignored the senseless attacks against Trump’s family. They ignored his compassion for visiting all of those people’s families that have been struck by grief due to the death of family members, either due to acts of war, reckless behavior by the current administration, or murders by illegal immigrants.

The left would have you believe Trump is an evil man, but that is not what I saw. Trump likes to stretch the truth a lot. Many of his facts and figures were wrong; however, he was not wrong about the things that counted: inflation, our national security, our weak military, our open borders, and our war on energy. He was spot on. He was not wrong about the weaponization of our justice system, our weaponized judges, and district attorneys. He was telling the truth. He did get many facts and figures wrong, but if you look past that, the point he made was perfectly clear. The Biden administration is a train wreck and has cost the average American everything. Inflation has caused people not to buy homes and start families. People are struggling, living paycheck to paycheck. He got that right. People don’t like open borders. People do not like illegal immigrants. People do not like our weak military. People of America do not want wars, and they want America First.

I think the RNC brought people together regardless of what the bought-and-paid-for media will tell you. People must remember that the media works for the Democrats. They are not the media they once were. They are mostly corrupt and want to continue America on the path to decline and division.

Regardless of how everything turns out, I believe the Republicans did a great job getting their point across about the decline of America. The RNC was not about Trump or Vance, as the media would tell you. It was about the decline of America on many fronts brought about by the current administration’s policies. It also pointed out clearly that Biden is unfit to lead and the current administration is not qualified to protect our country, not qualified to get inflation under control, not qualified to protect the sitting president or previous presidents, not qualified to make decisions on our energy, not qualified to make military decisions, and not qualified to manage our budget. The bottom line is they are inept and not qualified to run our country, and all of them need to go.

I guess we will have to see if America agrees with me come November 5th. Just because my opinion leans with the Republicans because I believe they have a better plan for America does not mean the voters will side with me. I do know if the Democrats get another four years, we will be worse off.

1 Response

  1. Mike says:

    Here is excerpts from the bought and paid for liberal television hosts of MSNBC…. Despicable. Alex Wagner: JD Vance is a secret White nationalist, despite being married to an Indian woman. Joy Reid: Getting better from COVID is like surviving getting shot. Michael Steele: Was Trump actually shot? Rachel Maddow: Liking ‘Lord of the Rings’ is racist. Nicolle Wallace: ‘Right-wing’ extremism is the real threat. Read this link for more.

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