The Reality Behind Medicare Costs: Biden-Harris Policies Exposed

calculator and pen on table
The Harris Plan on Medicare, Social Security and Taxes

If you listen to the news or read online, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will tell you they have done amazing things for seniors. They claim to have lowered drug costs and reduced your Medicare Part D premium. These are lies, of course. Who believes the cost of anything is truly going down? Yes, they fixed the cost of insulin at $35 per month, but did they do anything else?

Here is my personal experience: In 2025, Medicare will increase your monthly medical premium from $175 to $185—a 5.71% rise. As a reminder, the Social Security COLA is only going up by 2.5% for 2025, so there’s no savings there. My current drug plan, which costs $20 per month, is increasing to $115—a staggering 575% jump. But who’s counting?

Now, Biden and Harris can claim they’ve lowered drug costs on 10 medications and pretend they are helping. However, they conveniently neglect to mention that your Medicare Part D drug plan will increase significantly. After shopping around, I found that UHC AARP’s supplemental insurance and drug plan offer the best deal. For the $115 Part D premium, there’s no deductible, and with Tier 3-5 drugs, there’s a shared cost with a maximum out-of-pocket limit of $2,000. Many other plans have a $575 deductible before they even cover anything. For Tiers 3-5—the most expensive ones—their coverage is still relatively good despite the shared cost.

The AARP medical coverage is also excellent. For $149 a month, I only need to pay the Medicare deductible, and everything else is covered 100%. I became a believer in this plan after two trips to the emergency room this year. The total hospital bills exceeded $20,000, yet I didn’t receive a single bill. Between Medicare and the UHC AARP supplemental plan, my costs were completely covered. This plan far surpasses any Medicare Advantage plan. While Advantage plans might lure people with lower premiums, many don’t realize the high out-of-pocket maximums until it’s too late.

This year, my medical and drug premiums increased by almost $1,350 for the same coverage. That’s a 29.5% increase, while my Social Security COLA only provides a 2.5% boost. Mathematically, the COLA gives me $864 more, leaving me $486 in the hole. That’s the Biden-Harris plan: tell seniors they’re being taken care of, then quietly “take it to you.”

With inflation up by 30% since Biden and Harris took office, it’s no surprise that medical and drug plan costs have increased by 29.5%. It aligns with everything else this administration has done—crushing seniors, the middle class, and the poor. These numbers are real, not something I made up to post online. This is the reality for seniors across America.

If voters took the time to sift through the lies, they’d see the administration is misleading them and angling for another four years of the same. I hope Trump gets elected and follows through on his promises—like eliminating federal taxes on Social Security. That change alone would put $4,320 back in my pocket annually, which is how much gets withheld from my Social Security for taxes. It would mean an instant pay raise for me.

Remember, Biden and Harris are ending the Trump tax cuts at the end of this year. While they claim they won’t raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000, letting the tax cuts expire will increase taxes for every American. That’s yet another lie. If Trump’s tax cuts expire and Harris wins the White House, my taxes will increase by 50%. I arrived at that number by looking at my Tax Returns before and after the Trump Tax Cuts. Remember what he did to the Standard Deduction. That makes a significant difference on your tax bill.

Biden-Harris have done nothing to cut your drug costs except play the shell game, and in this case everyone loses. If they get at the helm your tax burden will take another toll on your family because the tax burden, not inflation will hit you hard. You cannot win with the Democrats in charge. Their social plans and schemes cost billions and it all falls on the back of the hard working Americans. Vote NO for Harris and all other liberals that scheme ways to take your money.

By the way, if you think Biden and Harris are looking out for you check out this article from Fox Business

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