The Disillusionment with Modern News Media

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New Media

CBS joined the fake news club this week by editing Kamala Harris statements in an interview on 60 minutes.   They completely replaced an answer with one she used on Face the Nation.   CBS was always middle ground for me.   I thought some of their news reporting was good and I was suspect about other reporting.  This behavior sets the record straight for me as I know that they can no longer be trusted to report the news.  How do I know what is real and what isn’t?    I suppose on stories that are not about politics and our country they may actually report the truth?    ABC lost my vote along time ago.  The lopsided presidential interview was clearly a call out for a news media company that can’t be fair and unbaised.  ABC who is owned by Disney clearly has another agenda and it isn’t reporting the truth.   NBC lost my vote a long time ago.  Even my local station, Channel 3 in Sacramento the news anchors read from a left leaning script.  They do a good job of reporting on local news like the weather and local issues but when it comes to politics they cannot be trusted either.  What really gets me about these major news networks is they are all producing specials to tell me how to vote.   I don’t need the leftist media telling me what I should or should not vote for.   In our local election there is billions of dollars in bonds they say we should approve but California cannot be trusted with money.   I still am paying bonds for my local schools and they want millions more.  Most of the propositions are left leaning money grabs.   Out of everything I see this year only one makes sense.   I covered those on my blog on voting this election season.    

I suppose the news will be slammed with lies and left leaning mantra even after the election.  If Trump wins the war on Republicans begin just like 2016.  It will be a fight for the next 4 years.   If Harris wins the spin will be how great she is and how wonderful all her plans are (which are a secret I guess).    I hope for a majority in the house and senate which is doubtful but only one house has to have a Republican majority to stop everything but the executive orders.   If the left wins we will be in wars on multiple fronts.   If the right wins we won’t be in military wars, we will be in the fake news wars as the media and billionaires undermine Trump and the presidency just like before.  Expect lots of action from the DOJ and FBI trying to get Trump sentenced to a fake crime.  Harris will be raising taxes and crushing any money the middle class have left.  4 More years of the Democrats in charge may just be the breaking point for me.   Like many Americans I don’t know if I will be able to hang on to my home.  Between unaffordable insurance plans and groceries, high interest rates, medical rates and a minimal COLA raise on social security I see myself continuing to work.   I may have to return to work full time just to get the house paid for, and then maybe I can relax.  

With three weeks left to the election I believe most Americans have made of their minds.   The ballots have already been mailed out, and I voted today so I am done.    Usually here in California I am with the minority.   I vote down all of the money grabs but the liberals approve them anyway.   The Republicans won’t win any seats except in the rural eastern counties.    Trump and Kennedy are both on the ballot to add to confusion but it doesn’t matter here in the Golden State.   People vote here by party lines and its been almost 4 decades since California voted anything but Democrat.  

Anyway the news media will continue to lie to us and there isn’t a source that is trustworthy anymore.   I like Fox news but they are too far right.  They are supposed to be fair and balanced and I find some of their reporting eye opening, but the anchors seem to throw in their own political spin which I don’t like.  So there won’t be a truth to see anymore.

I always wondered why Americans were buried in AppleTV, Netflix and Amazon Prime.   It is easy to escape to a lousy movie instead of dealing with reality.    

I have led a blessed life and I a truly thankful for it.   I lived the best times in the 70’s-late 90’s, where life was pretty good.  Money wasn’t an issue, and there was no worries, my health was good and I didn’t pay attention to Politics.  I am beginning to think that it was the right life, after the only thing I have is my vote.  I cannot control the liberals or conservatives but I can cast my vote and hope for the best.   I am at the end of my life.  I am not sure if I will wake up every morning anymore when I go to bed.  I am not sure if some evil disease will take my life or if someone will launch a nuclear strike and kill us all.  I have lived a good life and seen a lot of wonderful technology and enjoyed some great times.   I still have a bucket list but even that isn’t important.

I hope America is given another chance on November 5th.   If it isn’t there are a lot of things that will be going wrong and I can only hope that I can weather the storm before the Lord Jesus Christ takes me home.

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