The War That is Coming That Americans Can’t See

Photo by Pixabay on War

Most Americans are completely unaware of what is about to come. They are more concerned with their own issues than anyone else on the planet. All they talk about are abortion rights, inflation, Trump, and Harris. While these may be important topics, they are ignoring far more critical matters.

When the U.S. backed the overthrow of Ukraine’s government in 2014 and installed a proxy regime now in power, global safety began to falter. Obama’s meddling in foreign affairs marked the beginning of the downturn we now witness. Iran, emboldened by the weakness of both the Obama and Biden administrations, continued building its proxies and nuclear arsenals. While Trump’s election in 2016 threw a temporary wrench in their plans, it was only a delay. This issue has become sidelined in American headlines, overshadowed by more immediate concerns.


China’s military buildup, which began almost two decades ago, was plain to see for those paying attention. China seeks dominance on the world stage, and it’s already there when it comes to manufacturing and supply chains. It controls many of the world’s most essential minerals and chemicals, leading in solar energy, electric vehicles (EVs), and military weapons materials.

For instance, China is the world’s largest producer of both natural and synthetic graphite—used in electric vehicles and military applications—and the largest import source for the U.S. China also leads the world in copper production, crucial for weapons manufacturing. It dominates the market for rare earths and critical minerals. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), China controls about 35% of the world’s nickel, 58% of its lithium, 65% of its cobalt, and 87% of rare earth elements (REEs) such as cerium, lanthanum, and praseodymium. It is estimated that China oversees up to 90% of the refining and processing of these critical minerals, more than 55% of global rare earth mining, and 85% of their refining.

All our high-tech weapons, along with the computer chips produced in the U.S., rely on these elements. By the time war breaks out, we may be too late to secure the necessary components to manufacture the military hardware needed for our defense.


Iran has been allowed to plant military proxies all over the Middle East. The September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States triggered a series of events that led to Washington embarking on the longest war in U.S. history. This delayed Iran’s efforts to obtain weapons-grade plutonium, but only temporarily.

With the Biden administration lifting sanctions and allowing Iran access to billions of dollars, the Middle East has become a war zone. Hezbollah and Hamas received funds and weapons, leading to the October 6, 2023, attack on Israel, which has further destabilized the region. The reckless withdrawal from Afghanistan left $85 billion worth of high-tech weaponry to the Taliban, which has since spread throughout the Middle East. Iranian-backed Houthis are creating havoc in the Red Sea, attacking shipping lanes daily with Iran-backed hardware, causing the U.S. military to engage in constant conflict.

Kamala Harris seems out of touch with reality. In a recent presidential debate, she claimed there were no active American troops in combat zones, despite American forces being stationed throughout the Middle East.

Iran now possesses the plutonium necessary for nuclear weapons. I am confident they already have one, but the American press has covered up the story, as the government controls much of the media. Americans remain in the dark about the true state of global affairs.

China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea

In a previous blog, I discussed these countries collaborating, but my post was censored by the search engines. Here is a link to that article. The media doesn’t want Americans to understand what’s happening. After some effort and a few threats, I managed to get the article uncensored, so you can read it now. However, Google still hides the search results.


What has happened in Ukraine is tragic, but the United States played a major role in igniting the conflict, first by installing a proxy government in 2014 and then by Biden’s interference in peace talks between Ukraine and Russia. The Minsk agreement between Moscow and Kyiv was a potential breakthrough in the Ukraine-Russia crisis and could have ended the conflict. This article from Al Jazeera sheds light on what was happening.

Now, with the U.S. and the UK discussing allowing American-manufactured weapons to be used against Russia (on its own territory), we’re on the brink of a war that most Americans can’t see coming. The Biden administration’s reckless policies have brought us to this point. The military exercises conducted by China and Russia off the coast of Alaska should make the situation clear to anyone paying attention. Iran and North Korea are supplying Russia with weapons, and a military alliance between Russia and China has formed, while Iran keeps America distracted with the war in Israel.


Taiwan is another powder keg waiting to explode. China has been flexing its muscles for nearly a decade in the South China Sea, building military bases and asserting dominance over the Philippines and other neighboring countries. Taiwan hasn’t been under British control for decades; it is officially the Republic of China. The U.S. continues to supply Taiwan with military weapons and purchases its technology, but American interference in the region will eventually lead to disaster.


The U.S. has inserted itself into conflicts all around the world, but it lacks the capacity to defend both the European and Pacific fronts simultaneously. The U.S. is involved in Ukraine, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Yemen, South Korea, and Taiwan. We cannot manage all of these fronts without stumbling into World War III, which is exactly what some powers are angling for.

While America is preoccupied with domestic policies, its citizens are asleep to the danger. This is why the war that’s coming is invisible to most Americans. With the open borders under the Biden administration, terrorist cells are already here, waiting for orders.

I’m not a doomsday prophet, but it’s clear that America is heading for serious trouble. I don’t expect other NATO countries to stand with us when things go wrong. NATO may be a deterrent, but will it be enough?

Trump has warned about World War III, and I believe it’s on the horizon unless America changes its course now. Everyone has nuclear weapons. Will one reckless leader press the button and plunge the world into war? It will take an exceptional president and the art of compromise to make the world safe again.

If Harris wins the next election, it could be enough to push America into war. If Trump wins, we might have a four-year window to stall this outcome, perhaps even a chance for peace. But much depends on what happens in 2028.

The war is coming, and most Americans just can’t see it.

5 Responses

  1. Donald Miller says:

    Mike, I am absolutely amazed at the amount of resources that China has, that we need to maintain the overall Defense of our country. With the terrorist cells already here and the
    weak state of our nation and basically no President in position. It is a wonder something hasn’t drastically happened already. I think they are waiting for the results of the election
    and the internal uproar that will take place. That is when the blame game will start has the terrorist reap havoc using the conflict from the election to hide their activities. There is no
    doubt that something big is about to happen.

    • Mike says:

      Don, I agree. We are in a world of hurt in our country by allowing the liberals to take control of our country. We have all the resources that China has but government regulations have prevented us from mining it. We are a weak country right now. Many of the liberal policies have put us in a bad position . I do think WWIII is not far off and I believe it will be preceded by terrorist attacks in our big cities on the East and West coasts. This is where the liberal population is the largest, and also where they are unlikely to be prepared. They don’t believe in 2nd amendment rights and they don’t have any resources. Think about if the power was off, and there was no water and the sewer systems quit functioning and the grocery stores were closed. They would be in a world of hurt , starving- chaos and disease – riots in the streets.. Rural and conservative Americans are better prepared and I think this is the only reason nothing has happened yet. The bad people are hoping Harris wins the election and continues to make America weak; create liberal policies against guns; and weaken the American populous from defending itself. My biggest concern is that we won’t be able to produce the military hardware we need because we have no rare earth minerals that we need in advanced weapons. China will take advantage of that. America has one chance – and the election will determine if we will be a country in the future. America has the greatest military in the world and the most advanced weapon systems. Unfortunately our reliance on foreign entities have placed us in a very bad situation.

  2. Mike says:

    Biden and Blinken stoking war. Another 375 Million to Ukraine. Read Russia’s response. — Clearly the U.S. wants a nuclear war. With Russia now deciding to change the restrictions of the deployment of nukes the world is less safe. Thanks Biden, and the Democrats for ending all of our lives if Ukraine decides to use our weapons inside Russia. Stupid people in charge – and they are playing with Billions of lives.

  3. Mike says:

    Israel is serious about protecting its citizens. It has done great damage to the Hezbollah leadership and now the Iran President is in hiding. The message has been received, but it is quite nerving to see what is going on in the Middle East. With an attack launched from Yemen to American warships in the Red Sea and China launching ICBM’s with dummy warheads, to Putin lowering his requirement for nuclear engagement you can easily see what track we are on.

  4. Mike says:

    Was the attack of Israel today by Iran enough to wake up the sleeping?

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