ABC, NBC, MSNBC and CNN: Fake News?

Fake News
The Fake News Media - Lies and Dishonesty

ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN have been criticized for biased reporting, often accused of soft-pedaling interviews with political figures like Kamala Harris and Michael Waltz. These networks, backed by fact-checking organizations like Snopes and Politico, are supposed to safeguard the truth. Yet, their coverage often feels one-sided.

For instance, ABC recently reported that two-thirds of Americans believe Trump is unprepared to accept the election results if he loses. How do they come up with these statistics and pass them off as legitimate news? It’s easy to see how polling predominantly liberal voters could skew the results to create such headlines. Similarly, CNN’s interviews with Harris and Waltz lack the tough questions, allowing them to dodge accountability on issues like the border, fracking, and the economy. In contrast, Fox News at least attempts to interview both liberals and conservatives, posing challenging questions that often go unanswered by those on the left.

MSNBC has long been criticized for its show hosts’ lack of objectivity. Are we really expected to trust commentators like Jen Psaki and Joy Reid, who often seem more like mouthpieces for their political affiliations than journalists? CBS, meanwhile, is an enigma—sometimes delivering solid reporting, other times veering off into bias, making it unreliable as a consistent news source.

The recent revelation that Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg were pressured by the White House into censorship only adds to the distrust. While social media platforms like Facebook and X aren’t considered news sources, their influence on public opinion is undeniable, and their involvement in censorship is concerning.

As the election approaches, expect a flood of misinformation and mudslinging from both sides. Kamala Harris is known for shifting her stance to please the public, while Trump, though intelligent, often fabricates facts that are quickly called out by the left-leaning media. Yet, Harris rarely faces the same scrutiny, highlighting the biased nature of these news outlets.

Despite the media’s influence, I believe American voters are smarter than they’re given credit for. In November, the American people will make their choice, and the election results will reveal whether they believe the narrative pushed by the so-called “fake news” or not.

The questions facing voters are significant: Do we want a continuation of the last four years under Biden, or a return to the Trump era? Are we prepared to deal with the consequences of policies on inflation, taxes, and energy? Do we want to see our military weakened or strengthened? Will we allow our children to be caught in the crossfire of cultural wars, or will we reclaim our values? These are just some of the issues at stake.

As Americans, we face a tough decision in November. But I urge you to think critically, question what you hear, and turn off the fake news.

2 Responses

  1. Mike says:

    Will sex and skin color decide the election? Will the fake news continue to follow the path of no journalism? You decide.

  2. Mike says:

    Wondering how the Fake News ABC debate will go on Tuesday. I will post a blog on the outcome. Its up in the air right now – because both Trump and Harris both don’t tell the truth. Harris is really bad – she has flipped on major issues. Trump inflates the numbers and says things he shouldn’t. Wouldn’t it be nice if Trump didn’t lie and Harris explains her flip-flops? Not happening IMO

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